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- #8429
- @001 Enter the name of the STORE:
- @002 Enter the name of the LICENSEE:
- @842/@842/@842 Enter the initial term of the license in months:
- 12
- 24
- @843 Enter the type of department:
- @844 Enter type of product to be sold:
- @845 Enter the square footage for retail space:
- @846 Enter the number of feet for storage:
- @848 Enter the percentage rental:
- !849 Enter the minimum rental per year in numerals:
- @850 Enter the percentage of sales to be spent in advertising:
- !851 Enter the minimum limits for insurance in numerals:
- #end control section
- #8429
- /* Para. 8429: Retail store, lease of department */
- @001, referred to as STORE, and @002, referred to as LICENSEE,
- agree:
- STORE grants to LICENSEE the exclusive right for a term of @842
- months, to operate a @843 department for the sale, at retail, of
- @844, and other products which are customarily sold together with
- the licensed line of products. As to the related products, this
- right shall be non-exclusive.
- The total retail space permitted is @845 square feet. In addition
- @846 square feet shall permitted for storage. Storage space shall
- not be air conditioned or heated. The space to be provided to
- @002 shall be located as shown the attached floor plan. The
- initial cost of refurbishment, and provision of fixtures shall be
- the sole responsibility of LICENSEE, and the plans and completed
- work shall be subject to the approval of STORE. However, STORE
- may from time to time in its sole discretion require that the
- licensed area be moved. In the event that a move is required by
- the STORE, the expense of moving shall be borne by the STORE.
- As rent LICENSEE shall pay the sum of @848 percent of all sales.
- LICENSEE shall provide a daily report to STORE of sales made that
- are paid for within its department. STORE shall provide a daily
- accounting of sums collected for sales originating within the
- department. In the event that STORE accepts payment for items
- purchased within the licensed department, the STORE shall provide
- price tags encoded so that sales are credited to LICENSEE. The
- minimum rental shall be $ @849 (!849 dollars) per year.
- Settlement shall occur on a monthly basis. In the event that the
- rental as calculated per month is not equal to 1/12 of the annual
- rental, STORE shall have the right to bill LICENSEE for any short
- fall.
- The licensed department shall be open the same time as the store.
- Employees of the licensed department shall wear the same uniforms
- and name tags as employees of the STORE. Such uniforms, names
- tags and other personal items shall be provided by the STORE at
- its cost to LICENSEE. Employees of LICENSEE shall be subject to
- the same regulations as to dress and deportment as employees of
- STORE. The fact of this license shall not be made public, and the
- department shall be operated as if it was a a part of the STORE.
- LICENSEE shall be solely responsible for pay, fringe benefits and
- worker's compensation due to its employees. STORE may require
- that LICENSEE's employees attend training provided by it, and
- STORE shall bear the expense of the training, and LICENSEE shall
- pay its employees their regular wages for such training. STORE
- may in its discretion require LICENSEE to replace employees not
- meeting STORE's standards.
- STORE shall be authorized to accept returns and to settle
- disputes with LICENSEE's customers with reasonable discretion,
- and in keeping with its standard policy of customer service. Any
- amounts paid in refund and any merchandise returned to STORE
- shall be deducted from amounts due by the STORE to the LICENSEE
- and returned to LICENSEE, respectively.
- In the event that bank credit cards are accepted by STORE for
- sales made in LICENSEE's department, STORE shall remit the net
- amount of the sale, less the customary merchant discount. If
- STORE provides its own credit card:
- STORE shall pay for all sales of merchandise from LICENSEE's
- department sales which are made on its card in full;
- If STORE provides its own credit card, LICENSEE shall be provided
- with facilities for the acceptance of the same, and provided that
- STORE approves a charge transaction, STORE shall pay the same to
- LICENSEE at par.
- If STORE accepts checks, it may accept checks for sales from
- LICENSEE's department under the same terms and conditions as it
- accepts checks from its own customers. All sums in checks shall
- be initially credited to LICENSEE. However, LICENSEE shall be
- charged back for sums due to bad checks. All bad checks shall be
- collected by STORE, and the net sums collected paid to LICENSEE.
- LICENSEE shall spend a minimum of @850 per cent of its total
- projected minimum sales (which shall be determined by dividing
- the minimum rental by the percentage of sales paid as rental) on
- advertising. Said advertising shall be coordinated and placed
- through the STORE's advertising department or agencies. LICENSEE
- shall prepare all advertisements at its costs, however the same
- will be subject to the final approval of STORE.
- LICENSEE shall at all times maintain comprehensive general
- liability insurance and insurance on its stock with an insurance
- carrier acceptable to STORE with a minimum limit of $ @851 (!851
- dollars). LICENSEE shall cause STORE to be named as an additional
- insured with payments to be made as the respective interests of
- the parties appear.
- If LICENSEE shall at any time fail to maintain adequate stock,
- employees and meet the standards of the STORE for service and
- operation, STORE shall specify the defects, and LICENSEE shall
- have no more than 72 hours to remedy the defects for the first
- notification, and 24 hours for any subsequent notification. If
- the LICENSEE does not cure any breach, STORE may terminate the
- license with LICENSEE. LICENSEE specifically waives the necessity
- of a judicial order requiring it to cease operations and vacate
- the premises and STORE shall be entitled to effect removal
- through self-help.
- In the event of the destruction of the premises or their
- condemnation during the term of this agreement, the LICENSEE's
- sole remedy shall an extended term equal to the remaining term
- under this agreement in any replacement store, or, if the
- existing store is damaged, to an extension of time equal to the
- time that the store is closed once the store is reopened.
- This agreement and the rights thereunder may not be assigned by
- either party without the prior consent of the other party. In the
- event that the store premises are leased or subject to a
- mortgage this agreement shall be subordinate thereto. LICENSEE
- agrees that it will execute a subordination agreement upon
- request of the LICENSOR.
- Dated: ___________________________
- _______________________________________
- @001
- _______________________________________
- @002